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Seasons changed me Shaped me.  The very inner parts carved out by treacherous, beautiful moments. And the outer  parts  My legs grew Arms Stomach  Hands  Feet. Still now my heart … Read more


As the sun rises over the vast ocean,  Be reminded that the world is still spinning through all of the chaos.  Question old ideas Be willing to be wrong.  Be … Read more


So today,  Let the light pour in.  Live in grace.  Live in love.  Live in abundance.  Be intentional.  Realize how lucky you are to be here, to live now.  Even … Read more

Missing Space

Staring at the same sky, seeing different spaces.  Space is vast, love goes fast Life has surpassed.  As the sky goes by, day by day, I wonder what place you … Read more


Hurt is Fluid. It is part of our lives Hurt will never dissipate. I am not stronger because of the hurt.  I am not wiser because of the hurt As … Read more

Intuitive Body: Authenticity & Identity

Who is your authentic self? Are you living true to your authentic self? We are multitudes. This poses the question: Are you living your authentic life? Thinking about this, panic … Read more