Are you ready to trust yourself again?

Do you want to know what it feels like to have a strong, and deep connection with yourself, and the environments around you? To recognize and see the eternal connection you have with the earth? To intuitively trust your body, and know that your body carries the last sentence deep within?

The Last Sentence Coaching

by Natalie Meyers

As an Intuitive Body Coach, I hold space for individuals to connect with themselves in a deeper way and understanding. To come home to themselves. To begin shedding the capitalistic and patriarchal systems we confine ourselves in. To trust our bodies, knowing and believing it knows best, and holds the last sentence within itself.

When you remove distractions, you can ask your body questions.

What to Expect

You will get out of your sessions, whatever you put into them.

In our sessions together, we will discuss how you can learn to trust yourself and recognize patterns that are impacting your day to day life. We are about slow living, holding space, being present in our bodies, and we are about knowing that we are human, whole, and powerful.

You are allowed to change and pivot to become your authentic self. You know yourself best, and I will never tell you what to do, only guide you to trusting your body.

We will discuss boundaries, if you have them, and why they’re important. Together we will dive deep into what living a slow life looks like for you, and how to incorporate gratitude as a daily practice.

We will unpack, and begin to unlearn the capitalist beliefs that you’ve (we) adopted through our society and how these things negatively affect us, and keep us from being present with ourselves.

The hope is for you to begin the journey of discovering who you are to your core, and to intuitively trust your body, because it does know best.

This is a safe space for all individuals.

This is a client based service. Each session will look different for each individual. In this space we are anti-patriarchy, anti-capitalist, anti-racist, gender affirming – racism and homophobia will not be tolerated.

Are You Ready?

Contact me today to learn how a customized coaching plan can help you learn to trust yourself.