Why Coaching?

By Natalie Meyers

I taught through the fall of 2019, and into the spring of 2020 – we all know what happened! Covid-19 hit and through it all, I taught remotely for the rest of that school year. I went into the fall of 2020 with high hopes and bright eyes. Honestly, I LOVED being a teacher – the students, the subject, and my assistant teacher. In the end, it wasn’t for me. I would come home and fall asleep on the floor – constant changes from the state and administration, changes in expectations for staff and students, and the utter lack of care for the staff. The racism, bigotry, homophobia, and judgment from fellow teachers were disgusting. The grueling emotional toll from knowing students were going home to less-than-ideal situations kept me up at night.

My mental health and well-being were more important.

I was burnt out and knew something needed to change. I used to have a banner on my classroom wall that said “You Matter”. After another day in a succession of terrible days – I looked at that banner and decided that it wasn’t only true for my students, but for me too. I knew I had to leave teaching. But what would I do next? I was raised on the “in order to quit, you need to have something else lined up” mindset. I reached out to a local business owner and by the hands that be, she had a position open. This was a significant pay cut, and benefits loss – but I had to take it. After long, difficult conversations with my husband, we figured out a way to make it work financially. My mental health and well-being were more important. By trusting and listening to my body, I decided to leave in November 2021. 

I have always known that I wanted to work with people. For the longest time, I thought that meant in a classroom (everyone always told me what a good teacher I would be)! The things I wanted to do and be for those children and the adults around me had no place in a classroom setting. Of course, I could encourage them and cheer them on, but I was also their teacher. I have my degree in Family Services (a social work degree without the SW at the end), which leads… nowhere. For years I have contemplated going back to school for my Masters’s degree (I have even applied to many programs with no avail). I don’t do well in the standard school setting – I don’t like it. 

I began to think about life coaching. Everything I saw was based in Christianity, the aura of “girl boss”, nutrition coaching, business coaching, or a mega MLM. Only one local woman offered coaching courses and a three-month course was $10k – a major “no” from me. It all felt inauthentic, and none of it was trauma-informed. I stopped looking because it felt discouraging, but also I knew the right fit would come along. I found The Intuitive Body Coach Certification program on TikTok of all places. When I began to look at the philosophy and dedication to decolonizing trauma work, and the inclusivity of the program it felt right. It was affordable and personable – it didn’t feel like any of the fake “girl boss” programs, and it was also information that I could use even if I never decided to become a coach.

I began the Intuitive Body Coach Program in January of 2022 without any expectations of becoming a life coach. The idea was there, but I really wanted to focus on connecting with my own intuition first. As I dug deeper into the program, I began to re-discover and connect with my intuition, body, and spirituality in a way I never had. I wanted to bring this life-giving information to others – and I decided to become an Intuitive Body Coach.

The ability to offer Trauma Informed Intuitive Body Coaching to a world that is stricken with a mental health crisis is my way to work with, and help humanity.

And here we are. I got my LLC as The Last Sentence and am recognized as a small business! I never would have imagined this for myself, but I am so glad to be here. The ability to offer Trauma Informed Intuitive Body Coaching to a world that is stricken with a mental health crisis is my way to working with and helping humanity. I care so deeply about the people on this Earth, and for the creatures that roam with us. I have tapped into my intuitive nature, and I am ready to help you tap into yours. I hope that you join me on this never-ending journey of self-discovery.

All My Love.